In RVA, we've had near-shorts weather and "snowmaggedon" within the first week of the year. Sometimes change like that is crazy (68 degrees to 3 degrees in a few days?), and sometimes it's planned and a good thing. When it comes to your career, I hope any changes in 2017 are planned!
A great way to plan for change is to have a professional vision. If you read the January 2017 edition of On the Record, you've already heard my suggestion for a vision board. Decide what you want to accomplish this year, and put it on a vision board to keep it in sight. Put a reminder on your calendar to review your vision board no less than once a month. Keep working to accomplish your vision.
Additionally, determine your theme for the year. Some people choose a single word to embody their goals for the year. I chose "more" as my personal word for the year, but my 2017 theme as president of RPA is "inspire to get involved." RPA's mission is to foster professionalism, CLE, public service, and networking for paralegals in Central Virginia. How can our mission help you? The Board of Directors is hard-working and dedicated, but we aren't on the Board to make ourselves look good or feel good. We are here to serve you- the members and the mission. RPA's mission cannot be accomplished without you. I believe that by getting involved in RPA, helping to fulfill RPA's mission, will help you achieve your professional vision no matter what it is.
There are lots of opportunities discussed in the January On the Record, and the Board will send information on more opportunities and events in celebration of our 35th year. We are working toward more professionalism, more CLE, more public service, more networking, and more fun! I challenge you to make RPA membership more than an entry on your résumé- come out, get involved, get to know other members. You may even qualify for our new conference scholarship!
There is a coffee social on January 18th at the James Center Starbucks at 8am, and our first dinner CLE (ethics!) on January 24th at Allen & Allen. I hope to see you there, and we can chat about some of the things planned for #RPA2017, your professional vision, and your role in fulfilling RPA's mission.